St. Boniface Scouts BSA Troop 115 is part of the Potawatomi Area Council and offers scouting opportunities for students enrolled in either the day school or Faith Formation programs.
If you would like more information about the Boy Scout program (grades 5-12) contact Jeff Zimmer at [email protected]. You can also find more information at their web site.
The Buildings and Grounds Commission meets on the second Tuesday, AS NEEDED, in the Seminarian Room from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
The Human Concerns Committee is dedicated to continuing the work of Christ in helping and caring for those in need. The Committee coordinates the ministries that reach out to the parish community as well as those that reach out to the larger community locally, nationally and internationally. We strive to bring parishioners an understanding and knowledge of the various needs confronting us and others, so that we, as individuals and as a parish community, might help address those needs.
Please join us at a meeting and find out what we’re all about! We meet the 2nd Tuesday of
every month at 6:00pm in the Franciscan Room. Your involvement can be focused on just a single
program if you’d like. YOU can decide how much time you want/are able to provide to support
our mission.
We’re looking for people like YOU to help the Human Concerns Committee support important programs such as:
If you are interested in helping or have other questions please contact Jill Grevenow at 414-550-9143 or [email protected] or simply join us for a meeting (see above). You can also see a list of current open volunteer positions here.
The Human Concerns committee and the Office of Faith Formation at St. Boniface Parish coordinate many programs that help our local community. Below are just a few.
MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary: Last Friday of the Month
Our parish reaches out to the homeless and hungry at the MacCanon Brown Homeless Sanctuary, Milwaukee. Monthly we provide a meal, and throughout the year we support them with resources that may help them. 8th Graders and Faith Formation students receive service hours when they serve the meals.
Use a table by the kitchen for drop off of items needed per requests via bulletin announcements. For more information, contact Deacon Jim Chrisien 262-677-2179
REVERSE COLLECTION (Undies Sunday). January each year. Jim Chrisien chair (677-2179)
Slips with needed items will be taken out of the collection bags as part of a second collection and the items should be purchased and returned to St. Boniface within a couple weeks
Takes place from November to December. We collect Christmas Presents for Food Pantry clients and Nursing Home patients, plus food items for the food pantry. Get into the Christmas spirit by selecting tags from the Giving Tree in Boniface Hall during the Christmas season, and return the gifts properly marked so our recipients can enjoy a beautiful season!
Enchantment in the Park Nov. -Dec.
Food collected goes to our Food Pantry. We need volunteers to help direct people through the exhibits and collect/sort donated food.
Family Promise Project
We house 14 people for one week from 5:00 pm to 7:00 am each day. St. Boniface School is the site for the week in June. We provide meals, hospitality and a place to stay. Ann Lambert is our coordinator and can be reached at 262-408-1509.
Our Kids' Closet
Volunteers reaching out to the community and distributing like new clothing to families in need. Supported and Located within Columbia St. Mary's - Germantown Clinic:
N112 W15415 Mequon Road, Germantown, Wi 53022
Donations can be dropped off in the marked container next to the parish garage in the parking lot.
Go to for hours of operation and volunteer information.
For further questions contact us at [email protected] or 262-844-8554
St. Boniface / St. Gabriel's Food Pantry
Located at St. Boniface Parish Center - go to Parish Food Pantry for more information. The Food Pantry is open on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 3-7 pm.
Grand Knight Tom Malkiewicz
Click to read a letter from our Grand Knight
Click to read What is means to be a KOC
The nearly 2 million members of the Knights of Columbus form the largest Catholic fraternal group in existence. As Knights, we serve our local parish and community while working each day to creat a better world through charity. If you are looking to live you're faith in the spirit of charity by helping others, the Knights of Columbus welcomes you to join us.
Knights are their families have the opportunity to become involved in the councils charitable, faith-based and social programs.
Over the past decade, men like you have enabled the charitable donations of the Knights of columbus to reach more than 1.9 billion dollars and individual Knights have donated more than 700 million volunteer hours to charity.
Since its founding in 1882 by the Venerable Father Michael McGivney, the first principle of the order has been charity: we actively assist the Church and our neighbors in need. Father McGaivney was also committed to protect the livelihood of Catholic families. The knights carry on the commitment thru the availablity of optional Life Insurance. No other insurer in North America has a higher rating
The St. Boniface Council #10715 of the Knights of Columbus was chartered in 1991 under the guiding principle of Father Michael McGivney to actively assist St. Boniface Parish and our neighbors in need.
In the years since being chartered the council has distributed over $100,000 to various charities within the parish, community and the state. Some past sources of funding for the charities have included the following:
Whether able to share 1 hour each year or 100 hours Catholic men 18 years and older are encouraged to become a Brother Knight. Becoming an active Brother Knight of Council #10715 provides men opportunities to:
Council Business Meetings are open to any Brother Knight and are held in the Church Knights of Columbus room at 7pm on the 4th Thursday of the month. Meetings in November and December are the third Thursday due to the holidays.
Brother Knights of KC Council #10715 are provided numerous opportunities to practice our faith by carrying out the principles of Father Micael McGivney through our mission. Member's charitable support of time, talent, and treature has been extended to the parish, archdiocese, state and national levels by our council. Recent examples include:
Strengthening the Domestic Church by:
Developing our Youth through support of parish Youth Ministries:
Protecting the Culture of Christian Family Life by:
Assisting those in Distress by:
Advancing the Good of the Order through the following Fraternal Activities:
As much good work as the Knights of Columbus has done, we could do even more with your help. Join us today and help make a difference in your parish and community.
Call the Parish Office for contact information at 262-628-2040.
Acolyte means “one who serves”. Servers assist the priest at God's Table and the congregation throughout the Mass. They proclaim the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ's love by leading through an example of dignity and reverence. Servers are instrumental in helping the services to run smoothly. They are leaders in the church through the examples they set at the altar. Thank you for using your talents to serve Christ and the Church.
Loving Father, creator of the universe,
You call Your people to worship,
to be with You and one another at Mass.
I thank You for having called me
to assist others in their prayer to You.
May I be worthy of the trust placed in me
and through my example and service
bring others closer to You.
I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ,
Who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist serve our parish as they assist the Ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist (our pastor and deacons) in the distribution of the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Eucharistic rite is a Divine reality that is the very essence of our faith. People of prayer who are eager to bring Christ to others in a reverent and loving manner are invited to become Eucharistic Ministers.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for calling me to serve you and your people in this community as an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist. You know that I could never be worthy of such an exalted honor. Help me to be less unworthy by remaining free from sin. Let me nourish your people with the witness of my life as I feed them with the Body of Christ.Grant your strength and holiness to all your extraordinary ministers and make us worthy to bring Christ to others.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Reading and Explaining the Word of God
"When the Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself is speaking to his people, and Christ, present in his own word, is proclaiming the gospel. The readings of God's word must therefore be listened to by all with reverence; they make up a principal element of the liturgy. " General Instruction of the Roman Missal, (GIRM) No. 29
Most people in a Sunday assembly hear the word of God only in that formal setting. Their only regular exposure to Scripture is from the lips of the lector and the priest. The lector provides effective proclamation of God’s Word in Scripture. The Lector is Jesus’ instrument for reaching that person or persons in the congregation that most needs to hear the Word as proclaimed by the Lector at the moment it is proclaimed. In addition to the words of the Scripture, themselves, the proclamation skills of the lector are required to maximize the impact of God’s Word on the individual(s). Merely reading the words aloud, even dramatically, will ring hollow compared to proclaiming the words because of one’s conviction as well as skill. (More infor here)
(In Preparation)
Lord, invest me with your power
as I prepare to proclaim the marvel of your message.
I have prepared my reading,
I have tried to take within me
the meaning of what I am about to proclaim.
Help me to proclaim, not just with my lips,
but with my whole heart and soul.
Lord, make me a hollow reed
so that your voice will be heard by all who hear me.
Free me of excessive concern over my performance.
Convert my feeling of nervousness and
turn all my apprehension into an energy
for proclaiming your word with power and authority.
May your Spirit live in me and
fill the holy word that I proclaim.
from "Prayers for the Servants of God" by Edward Hays
Ushering is an opportunity to serve God by serving His people, and is a marvelous way to actively and faithfully participate at St. Boniface. Ushers see to it that the services flow smoothly and orderly, thus heightening the experience of receiving God’s Word. Ushering provides a wonderful way to begin to grow and to continue to serve in a very important role for the church. Good ushers are “people-persons” who make people coming into the church feel welcome and appreciated.
You are personally invited to become an usher for our parish. Please consider this an opportunity to serve the Lord while attending Mass. If you can help, please call Steve Cincotta at 414-430-9777 or [email protected]
Lord, in your love you gather your people this day, help me to serve them in a Christ-like manner, even as your son Jesus served those who gathered about him. Make me prayerful, patient, helpful and understanding, and may I radiate the joy that faith brings as I serve their needs. Give me your strength to support my fellow ministers. May all who assemble to celebrate our common faith in the risen savior be glad of heart for being hereand for having encountered your son in one another, in our priest, at the tables of the book and the bread, and through the ministry of ushers like me. I ask this in Jesus’ name.
By Gregory F. Smith, O. Carm
St. Boniface offers several opportunities for parishioners, young & old alike, to share their musical talents within the community. Whether your talent is instrumental or vocal, we encourage you to seek out one of our opportunities. The vibrancy of the programs depends greatly on parish participation.
If you have an interest in any of these music ministries or would like more information, please contact the Parish Office at 262-628-2040.
“God has bestowed upon his people the gift of song. God dwells within each human person, in the place where music takes its source. Indeed, God, the giver of song, is present whenever his people sing his praises.” from Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship – Document of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops
This parish choir leads the worshiping assembly in its sacred song and presents selections of sacred choral music to enhance the liturgy. It mainly ministers at the 8:30 a.m. Sunday liturgy and at all major parish celebrations and holidays. The choir meets weekly on Wednesday evenings from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. to rehearse. This ministry is open to parishioners of high school age and above. This choir has a wide variety of musical talent and experience, ranging from non-music reading members to musicians with formal training. Some members are cantors while others are group singers. The ability to read music is not required. New members, regardless of skill or experience, are always welcome. No auditions required.
When a man is singing and cannot lift his voice, and another comes and sings with him - another who can lift his voice - then the first will be able to lift his voice too. That is the secret of the bond between spirit and spirit. – Martin Buber
Cantors are parishioners who have answered the call to a most ancient ministry in the Church. The cantor’s main responsibility is to lead the community in song at liturgy. Cantors lead the assembly in singing of Psalms during the Liturgy of the Word and in sung prayer throughout the entire liturgy. Cantors must be able to read music, be willing to learn more about their role in the liturgy (historically and currently) and to grow in their ministry through practice, voice training and occasional workshops. Auditions are required.
All earthly music is an attempt to "pluck out of the spheres the sound of the Divine Love that said, "Let there be." -Sir John Tavener
The Resurrection Choir serves as representatives of the parish’s bereavement ministry as well as leaders of liturgical music at all the parish’s funerals. People of all ages who enjoy singing and desire to support those experiencing the loss of a loved one are invited to this ministry. Members of this choir enjoy flexible scheduling and are able to participate fairly easily on a short notice. There is usually a 2-3 day notice of an upcoming funeral or memorial service. There are no rehearsals for this choir. No auditions required.
"God gave us music that we might pray without words." from Alte Oper Haus Frankfurt West Germany
Parishioners who have performance knowledge of a particular musical instrument are encouraged to participate in the worship life of the parish by offering their gift to enhance the assembly’s song and to join in ensemble groups for special celebrations. All instrumentalists are welcome and encouraged. Auditions are required.
All of life is music if one touches the notes rightly, and in time. - John Ruskin
It is important to reach out to those within our parish that are also in need. If you have a need or would like to volunteer your time and talents serving our parish members please contact the Parish Office at 262-628-2040.
What is Pastoral Council?
Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners chosen by the parish community to work closely with the Pastor to set policy, determine parish direction, oversee pastoral activities and temporal affairs as the parish works together to fulfill the mission of the Church.
What is the role of Pastoral Council?
Pastoral Council is a consultative body; a group commissioned to discern, proclaim and make visible the presence and action of the Sprit within our parish and the community at large. The council:
Key Functions of Pastoral Council
Spiritual Leadership
Parish Direction
Policy Development
Pastoral Council
Pastoral Council Chairperson: Christy Stemm
Committee Liaisons
Finance Commission Liaison: Bill McDonald
School Commission Liaison: Christy Stemm
Prayer and Worship Liaison: Nathan Jaeckels
Faith Formation Liaison: Dave DelPonte
Human Concerns Liaison: Cathy Stresing
Fr. Mike Petrie
Dave DelPonte
Nate Jaeckels
Peter Keller
Mike Kendall
Anne Lambert
Bill McDonnell
Steve Michals
Mindy Sornesen
Christy Stemm
Cathy Stresing
Tommy Zimmer
Personnel Commission Chair is Michele Weber.
Our responsibilities and duties on the Prayer and Worship Committee are varied. We work with Father Mike and the Director of Music to plan and prepare special liturgies for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and so on. We are involved down to the minutest detail, for instance, who will carry the cross? Who will attend the Chrism Mass? How many hosts will be needed?
We work with and support the music minister regarding the appropriateness and the participation of the parishioners in the liturgies. We recruit, train and schedule the lectors and the Eucharistic ministers. The ushers and the altar servers also fall under our umbrella. We plan the annual Remembrance Mass or Service in honor of recently deceased parishioners.
A vital part of our mission is to ensure that the worship areas, both the Church and St. Boniface Parish Center, are maintained, furnished and decorated with dignity and reverence befitting the Eucharist, funerals, penance services, and more. With that in mind, we created a sub-committee, the Liturgical Environment Committee.
As Christians, we are called to share our time, treasure and talent. We invite you to share your time and talent with the Prayer and Worship Committee and its various ministries. Leave your name and number at the rectory – we will contact you!
Current members include Frank Hoeffler (Chair),Joyce Dhein, Steve Cincotta, Kathy Melius, Elizabeth Harebo.
St. Boniface Catholic School would love for you to join our efforts in refering families to SBS. If the new family enrolls, you can choose a current SBS family, the new family, or designate it to classroom activities or a fun field day to receive the $1,000 credit!
More details can be found on the school website here:
SBS Referral Program
Volunteer with the School
St. Boniface Catholic School is always in need of volunteers. Whether you are looking to help out with lunch or recess duties, joining a committee, assisting with an event, or greeting during drop-offs we would love your help! Sign-up for volunteering with the school here.
Please contact the school office at:
Phone: 262-628-1955
Email: [email protected]
School Commissions is dedicated to providing, promoting and perpetuating a school, with exceptional Catholic education, within the St. Boniface parish community. The Commission serves as an advisory body to the principal. They assist with: policy development, identifying and expressing the educational goals and objectives of the parish community, budget planning and public relations. The primary purpose of School Commissions is to develop within the parish an understanding that the entire parish community has the responsibility for promoting the educational mission. If you or someone you know would be interested in joining, please contact the school office at 262-628-1955.
To affirm the intrinsic value of human life and the dignity of every human being in a way that transforms the culture.
The answer to this question can more clearly be given by speaking about what a Vincentian does. Many times, when we join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, we join because we have been invited to do something: to make home visits, take phone calls, or serve friends in the community. It may be only after years of service that we realize that we are no longer volunteers- we are Vincentians. There is rarely a specific moment when we realize that being a Vincentian has become part of who we are, but there are some key differences between seeing our work as a volunteer activity and as a vocation.